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Sealegs stops to say “Thank you”

World leading amphibious boat company, Sealegs stopped to commemorate the production of their 1000th boat by saying thank you. David McKee Wright opened the presentation saying “it’s a privilege to be part of the team at Sealegs” and recalled the early days when he and Maurice first discussed the idea of amphibious boats.

Maurice Bryham went on to outline his initial idea and tell the story of what the pair call “the decade of discovery”. They showed images from early Sealegs days, development projects and released a video and book featuring some of the highlights during ten years at Sealegs.

‘The Decade of Discovery’ picture book

David paralleled the history of suit cases not having wheels where today they do saying “I’m not saying all boats one day will have wheels but I see no reason why a significant proportion of them won’t.  He talked to the achievement of 1000 craft and Sealegs being great brand ambassador for NZ. “Sealegs represents the best in kiwi lifestyle, we ski, fish, explore our beautiful coastlines and enjoy our country, when people see Sealegs in 50 countries around the world they think about our lifestyle and the special place NZ is.”

The pair then came to the reason for the night’s presentation. Maurice acknowledged all employees past and present, suppliers and shareholders. He said “Sealegs is a team effort and they should all be proud of pioneering an international market in amphibious boating”. 

Maurice and David then presented awards to some of their suppliers and employees. 10 year supplier awards went to:

  • Eaton Fluid Power
  • EMO Transport
  • Explorer Boats
  • Renolds NZ
  • Nalco
  • Trevor Hanson
  • Ocean Covers

McKee Wright said all the staff deserved an award but the ones requiring special mention were:

  • Mike Walters
  • Melbourne Gapara
  • Vinay Chhima
  • Nathan Mendoza
  • Christopher Altamirano
  • Randy Obenario


The presentation closed with the pair thanking everyone again saying they were looking forward to Sealegs achieving a lot more in the future.




Background Information on Sealegs

Sealegs is based in Auckland, New Zealand, where the Sealegs concept of amphibious boating was first invented and where they continue to be manufactured. The company has supplied military vehicles to a wide range of destinations and this year’s Auckland on the Water Boat Show marks the celebration of the production of over 1000 boats to 50 countries.

Sealegs Corporation Limited is a public company listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange Main Board with the ticker symbol SLG.

Sealegs Corporation owns 100% of Sealegs International Limited, the world's leading manufacturer of amphibious boats.  Sealegs International has developed a patented system of hydraulically motorised, steerable and retractable wheels for amphibious boats.


For more information, please contact:
David McKee Wright
Sealegs CEO and Co-Founder 
+64 292 777 444

Email me a free brochure